Medical Information
Administration of Medicines
Sefton has issued guidance on the administrations of medicine in schools. and outline below are our main policy points. Our full policy and Sefton’s guidance are available at the school should you wish to see them.
Short Term Illness
- Medicines issued and labelled by a chemist, may be brought in to school to be administered by staff, so that your child may return to school as soon as possible. You will be required to fill in a Short-Term Medication form.
- Such items as cough sweets may be brought in provided they are given to the class teacher at the beginning of the day, together with a consent form.
Long Term Illness
- A signed consent form (available from the school office) must be completed whenever a request is made for a child to receive medicine. No medication will be given without the consent form. This applies to inhalers too. Brown inhalers should never be brought into school.
- Medicines, should be brought in to school, preferable by the parent and delivered to the school office or the class teacher. The medicines should be in the original dispensing container, together with the medication insert, and must be clearly labelled by a chemist with contents, owner’s name and dosage.
- If your child needs a regular use of non-prescribed drugs such as pain killers, migraine or hay fever tablets, you should provide the medication and the full information together with the consent form. The medication must be given to the class teacher who will supervise and record its use.
In all cases where, following the administration of medication, there are concerns regarding the condition of the child, parents will be called.