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Maple Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Welcome to the Maple Class page! This page contains photographs, examples of children's work and activities that take place in our class. Continue to visit our page to keep up to date with our Maple Class learning journey ðŸ˜Š

This year, we have Mrs Houghton, Ms Glenville, Mrs Roxburgh, Miss Leevers and Mr Roxburgh as part of the Maple Class team.

Our PE days are Monday and Friday

Spelling homework will be handed out every Monday. Children can also access Education City, Purple Mash and TT Rockstars at home to further support their learning.

Remember, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Maple Class team via Class Dojo, or you can email us:

Mrs Houghton - 

Ms Glenville-

The Maple Class Team 


Maple Class Updates...


We had great fun during our morning Santa Dash last week and this week we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner with our friends and teachers.

To end their Ancient Greece topic in History, Y6 also emersed themselves in an afternoon of Greek fun! They took part in different arts and crafts as well as tasted some Greek food. The children revisited their 'Remember All Wall' and retrieved things that they have learnt from throughout our topic. Ask them at home and see what our young historians can tell you! 


Well done to our two award winners today for their fantastic effort with their home reading!

A reminder that once the children have done some reading at home and filled in their journals, please send journals back into school to be stamped. Children can also change their books in our home reading library.

In school, we've been practising our spellings by writing them out in a pyramid. Miss Brown also played Spelling Bingo with the children, which they might like to try at home using their weekly spelling lists.


Coming up... an exciting opportunity for Y6 to visit the school Book Fair: Friday 22nd November


Today we celebrated Michael Rosen Day. We watched a great live Webinar with Michael Rosen and MC Grammar! The children particularly enjoyed listening to Michael Rosen read his poem 'Strict', whilst joining in with him as he performed it. 

Later in the day, Mr Hird came and read Y6 their all-time favourite poem, 'Chocolate Cake'!

Click on the link below to reach the  'Kids Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen'  YouTube channel, where you'll find 'Chocolate Cake' read by Michael Rosen as well as many other great poems and stories. 

Kids’ Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen - YouTube



A great start to our week with super progress in Maths. Last week we found subtracting mixed numbers quite we practised some more and solved calculations with greater confidence!

Great effort Y6! 



What fantastic firework poetry these children have written at home; a big well done to them all!

The children enjoyed reading out their creative poetry in assembly this afternoon.


Wow, wow, wow! We are continuing to progress so well in our efforts to improve our presentation.

Have a look at these amazing examples...


Today we continued to make our motorised cars in DT which are coming along so nicely! Following our designs, we began to sketch our car covers. We also glued on our motors and battery packs ready to connect our circuits next week.

We reflected on our learning so far about Ancient Greece in History.

We have written some great non-fiction...



Welcome back to Autumn Term 2! 

What an exciting start to the week...a video call with Miss Hegerty all the way from Dubai! We loved hearing about the places she's been visiting and sharing our news with her. 

We also have a new member in our our gingerbread man! 

During our first half-term, Mr Johnson was delighted to have estimated the closest weight for our pumpkin, guessing 1600g, with it's actual weight being 1649g!

This half-term we have a new estimate challenge...who will be the closest this time?!



As we approach the end of our first half-term in Year 6, we are so proud of the effort Maple Class have put into their writing. For the past few weeks we've been exploring non-fiction, specifically information texts, through our Talk for Writing unit. This week we have been learning all about the Arctic Fox and how it has evolved to become so well adapted to its environment. Today we invited Mr Hird to come and see our non-fiction writing all about this fascinating species and we awarded four children certificates for either their improved presentation or level of detail and accuracy.

Well done to all of Maple Class for putting in so much effort; we are so impressed!

Today we also enjoyed our Class Dojo reward treat.

It was wonderful to see that all of our class achieved their target, well done everyone; keep up the hard work!

We had great fun painting pumpkins together.


We have loved taking part in Eco Club's competition...look how much litter
we've collected so far from our school grounds!

We love UNO! 

One of our pupils brought in their pack of 'Uno' cards today and taught his friends how to play.

It was hugely popular... so much so, we've started our own Uno club at breaktime!


Today we ended our first half-term of PE with a fun game of Volleyball. It was wonderful to see the children play competitively whilst demonstrating great sporting attitudes, encouraging other team players and congratulating the opposition. Y6 enjoyed it so much, we decided as a class that it must feature as one of the sports we play during our Summer 'Sports Week'. 

This afternoon we welcomed 'Everton in the Community' into our class to deliver a thought-provoking workshop around Knife Crime. The children engaged in lots of discussion and immersed themselves in an insightful VR experience, exploring a given scenario and being faced with decisions to think about and make. 


Who will guess the closest to the actual weight of the pumpkin?!

Our winner will get a sweet prize and the pumpkin to take home at the end of term.

Watch this space!

Design and Technology 

Having explored different mechanisms, completed our project research and finished our designs, today we started making our cars in DT. The children worked really hard constructing their chassis and wheels this afternoon; we can't wait to show you our finished products!


Spellings and Reading at Home

Your child will have brought home a book they have chosen from our school ‘Lending Library’. Please take care and ensure that the book is returned once your child has read it, ready to be changed for a new one.

Along with the spellings we send home to learn, we recommend at least 10 minutes of reading daily. This can be independent reading or enjoying and discussing a book together.

Spellings are given out and should be returned every Monday. The children should also bring in their reading records on a Monday to share with us the reading they have been doing at home. Please encourage the children to write a reflection in their reading journals.

If your child prefers to, they can read one of their own books from home. If that’s the case, then please return your child’s book from the Lending Library back to school for others to enjoy.

Thank you and happy reading! ðŸ˜Š


We explored natural selection today in Science and had great fun being predators during our practical activity...ask us about Darwin's peppered moth! 

24th September 2024

Wow! We saw an amazing effort in Y6 Science today. Well done to these four children who were awarded certificates for their writing about 'adaptation' and for some beautifully presented work.

18th September 2024

The children did some fantastic Maths work this morning, using their Gattegno Chart to explore how the place value of numbers change when multiplying and dividing.

It was also great to see the children so focused during Ms Glenville's Geography lesson,
using atlases when exploring our trade links.

12th September 2024

This week all the children have worked extremely hard on improving their presentation;
great work Year 6, keep it up!

Well done to these four children who were chosen for their fantastic effort with their latest piece of writing.

We've also been having great fun in PE, working on our core balance.

We can't wait to try 'seated volleyball' next week!

11th September 2024

Our first show and tell! We love to hear all about the exciting things you've been getting up to outside of school. Well done to this superstar who achieved Dancer of the Week at her Dance class yesterday.

We are so proud!

Today the children brought home a booklet about an exciting poetry competition. 
Should they wish to enter, please return by 1st October. 

Finally, a reminder, high schools will be holding open evenings during the next few weeks. We recommend you check the websites of the schools you would like to visit so you don't miss out on their opening evening times.

Application forms will be sent out shortly for you to submit secondary school choices.

10th September 2024

To open our Computing topic, we revisited the importance of staying safe online.
Ask the children what they've learnt, they're familiar with lots of rules and top tips!

This BBC website is helpful to further chat to the children about internet safety at home:

9th September 2024 

Some great Maths work today using our knowledge of Place Value to solve some problems!


6th September 2024

What a way to kick start the year with an exciting residential trip to Crosby Hall! The children took part in water sports, rope challenges, adventure courses, rock climbing, orienteering, fencing and archery! It was a great opportunity to try out new activities as well as build new friendships, teamwork and other skills...not to mention it being lots of fun! 


3rd September 2024

We've had a great first day in Year 6. Well done to all of Maple Class for such a super start to the year!


2nd September 2024

Attached below you'll find 'Maple Class Curriculum Highlights' for the Autumn term; on it is information about what’s coming up this term as well as suggestions to help support the children's learning at home.

Please note that on our PE days (Tuesday and Friday) it is important that all children arrive in their school PE kit and not their own sportswear. On PE days, the children's kit replaces their school uniform, so it is important that they wear the correct PE kit.

To remind you, our school PE kit is as follows: a navy t-shirt with either navy shorts or navy joggers/leggings. Navy t-shirts and shorts are available from the school office at £2.50 each.

To keep warm throughout the day, the children can wear either their school cardigan, school jumper, plain navy hoodie or hoodie with our school logo on (see below). 

Tracksuits with our school logo on are available from Prima Donna in the Marion Square. Please note that purchasing a tracksuit with the school logo on is not essential.

There will be no PE this week, it will begin the following week (Wednesday 9th Sept).