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The Early Years Foundation Stage at Netherton Moss


Our Team:

Miss Rainford- Reception Teacher and EYFS Lead

Miss Jones- Nursery Teacher


Mrs Von Bargen- Nursery Teaching Assistant

Mrs Barnes- Reception Teaching Assistant

Miss Kent- Reception Teaching Assistant


Miss Carmichael- 1:1 support

Mrs Morgan - 1:1 support



Children aged 0-5 years old follow the Early Years Foundation Stage of learning.

There are four guiding principles that shape our practice: 

  • A Unique Child - Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning & who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
  • Positive Relationships - Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • Enabling Environments - Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests & needs &help them. to build their learning over time.
  • Learning & Development - Recognising the importance of learning and development. Having an awareness that children develop & learn at different rates.

The Areas of Learning & Development

There are seven areas of learning and development in the EYFS, that shape the educational experiences we provide. All areas of learning and development are vital and interwoven. Three areas in particular are crucial in igniting children's curiosity for learning and providing vital stepping stones to learning, building relationships and thriving.

These are referred to as the Prime Areas and they are:

  • Communication and Language 
  • Physical Development 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 


We also support children's learning in four Specific Areas, the Prime Areas are also applied through these areas and strengthen. These are:


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding The World
  • Expressive Arts & Design


In our Marigold Nursery the curriculum holds emphasis on the Prime Areas of learning. We aim to provide our children with the foundation they need, and deserve, to succeed as they move into our Reception Class & beyond. There is a focus on learning nursery rhymes, enjoying stories together; building language and vocabulary, and empowering our children to be independent learners.

In our Daisy Reception class we will provide an ambitious curriculum which enables children to develop their curiosity and problem solving skills. This will sow the seeds for a love of lifelong learning. We will develop our children to become eloquent orators, speaking with confidence and fluency in a variety of situations.  We want them to develop an enriched vocabulary and a love of reading.

We understand and follow children’s interests and for these to be nurtured to ignite their enthusiasm for learning.  Through developing learning behaviours such as playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically, we want children to be autonomous with their own learning.  We want them to plan, implement, consolidate and deepen knowledge and ensure children meet their next steps.

We will create an engaging and stimulating environment, both inside and outdoors, which supports and challenges learning. It will stimulate the children physically and mentally, developing the health and wellbeing of our children.

We want our children to play outdoors to exercise their growing intellectual and emotional muscles, as well as their physical ones.  We want them to develop their ability to think, feel, see and understand, do and to represent and express.  We want them to imagine, puzzle, wonder, explore, befriend and share.  To enable this; we will provide opportunities through curriculum enrichment to provide outdoors hands-on learning both within our immediate school environment as well as the wider community.

This will all prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure children make at excellent progress from their starting points.


Our Aims

Our Early Years must serve to reaffirm core principles which values:


  • The child at the centre of practice
  • The child’s connections within family, communities, cultures & the wider world
  • The whole child
  • The rights of the child as outlined in the UNCRC (1989)


We appreciate that all children have agency and a desire to learn and make connections. As such, we aim to provide high quality provision based on: A Unique child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments, Learning and Development. Through this provision, we will ensure that our children are listened to and recognised as experts in their own lives, promoting inclusive principles for practice that all children are entitled to.

We recognise the importance of providing children with experiences that enhance and develop their dispositions to learning and their right to play. Our vision is to provide experiences that support children to think and learn for themselves, helping to form the foundations of long-life learners.



  • Children learn best when they feel happy, safe and secure.
  • Children are experts in their own lives and as such are co-constructors of their learning, alongside skilled adults.
  • Children learn at different rates and learning journeys are all unique.
  • Effective learning must be meaningful to a child in order for them to use what they know and apply it in new contexts.
  • Children need opportunities to develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL) so that they are able to approach learning situations with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm.


Websites to support your children at home: