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Curriculum links for home


The government has issued guidance on homework that recommends small amounts of regular homework. Many children enjoy working at home and it is a good way of involving parents with their child’s learning. Each term children will bring home a Topic Letter telling you about the work they are doing in class and asking you to help in certain ways. In addition, we have developed the following programme of basic homework:


Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6

  • Sharing a book every night.
  • Spotting numbers, shapes and colours.
  • Taking opportunities to count
  • Reading each night
  • A small list of spellings once a week
  • Occasional topic related activities
  • Reading each night
  • Spellings once a week
  • Maths, English or topic related activities
  • TT Rockstars
  • Reading each night
  • Spellings once a week
  • Maths, English or topic related activities
  • TT Rockstars & Education City
  • Revision work for SAT

We ask all parents to discuss the homework with their children and help to make sure that it is brought back to school on the designated day. Children may not get all activities every week.

Physical Education

Our aim in this area is based on developing each child to his/her full potential from the point of view of both skills and fitness. There is, of course, no difference in PE between girls and boys. We recognise the importance for every child of learning to swim and be safe in water. Children in years three and four swim all year and occasionally, some children in year five may be encouraged to continue to extend and consolidate the progress they have made for a time. Organised, competitive sport is and extra curricula activity, with thriving teams in a range of sports. We are very fortunate in having extensive playing fields, separate gymnasium and hall

PE Kits and Equipment


Indoor PE

Outdoor PE

  • All children need a towel and swimming cap.


  • Boys: close fitting trunks/shorts (not loose, flapping shorts).


  • Girls: swimming costume – not bikini


  • Verruca socks are available from the school office.


  • Earrings are not to be worn.
  • All children – dark blue shorts and white T-shirt.


  • All children need to wear pumps or bare feet
  • All children – dark blue shorts and white T-shirt.


  • Children can wear track suites as well, in colder weather.


  • All children need pumps or trainers

The links below will take you to other sites with related content that we have used to support teaching these areas in the past. You may well find them useful to support your child’s learning at home.

They are external sites and so we have no control over how they might change. Do let us know if you spot anything inappropriate.

If you need to see the more technical description on each area you are welcome to come and read our policies on any subject in school.