Curriculum Information for Parents & Carers
Curriculum Highlights for Parents & Carers
Curriculum Highlights Autumn Term 2024
Below, you will find the topics and areas of the School Curriculum that the children in each year group will be studying this term. While not a fully comprehensive list of every learning objective, it is intended to give you the curriculum highlights of what the children will know and be able to do as a result of their learning in each area. Importantly, it gives you some simple and practical ideas for ways in which you could help support your child's learning at home. This information is shared and discussed at the Parents Meetings each term. If you have any further questions about what is going on in our lessons, then please call in at the end of the school day and find out more from your child's Class Teacher. Class topic letters and the news and class pages on the school website also provide information about what is going on in school.
If you would like further information about the curriculum please don't hesitate to pop in and speak to a class teacher.